Results of the Night of Museums 2019 in the Russian Railway Museum
During the event, the railway museum was visited by over 3.5 thousand people.
Museum guests got acquainted with various elements of the railway, the most inquisitive had followed the tasks of the quest in excitement and received prizes.
Young visitors took part in children’s workshops; adults attended The Steel Way of Alexander Blok exhibition
Visitors danced near the turning platform to the sounds of jazz and the hot steam locomotive did not cease to let out steam clubs.
Guests could watch for audiovisual installations by artist Andrei Svibovich and the Tonoptik project — contemporary art presented its vision of iron atoms and neurons during the dream throughout the second half of the Night.
The Russian Railway Museum thanks the organizers of the Museum Night action, the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg, the Committee on Transport, the Committee on Tourism Development of St. Petersburg, as well as all the volunteers who helped with the event.